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Startup Guide

Have a big idea? Dreaming of ‘Kab Banega Crore pati’?
Driving down the road…and flash! You hit upon an idea that could change the world. An idea that will put you into the annals of history as a pioneer…but how and where do you start? I’ll help you find out.

The Five Know-What’s for getting successful

Five things an entrepreneur must keep in mind when striving to find that big idea.

An entrepreneur is always on the look out for a new concept or an idea that could launch a brand, which would be a success.
Innovation helps in success and attracts attention! There are however cases when most successful entrepreneurs have taken existing products, worked on it and succeeded.

The opportunity has to be significant for the enterprise to succeed! As a concept, opportunity size escapes an easy definition. It is imperative for the entrepreneur to substantiate the opportunity size and analyse how he would convert it before the venture gets off the ground.

The idea is a fantastic one… but does the entrepreneur have a market? The market for the product has to be substantial to be financially viable.

- The entrepreneur has to be convinced that it is more than just brand loyalty that will attract visitors.
- Choose a product that is unique…you can be assured of generating revenues.
- The product idea and offering has to be attractive to an investor if the entrepreneur needs capital to start the enterprise.

The business model must be able to generate repeat business. Alternatively, there should be a plan in place that will keep generating new customers.

If the product idea is not exceptional and the opportunity is not big enough, entrepreneurs should not hesitate to throw it away and continue to search for an enterprise idea that is more viable.

Know your competition! Sometimes the competition isn’t there yet, but there needs to be a plan of how they will be tackled in the future. The competition might not come from an expected quarter.

Competitors can very often buy or acquire the know-how to meet your competitive advantage.
Many entrepreneurs have a competitive advantage but fail to explain how this will be sustained.

Researching, analysing and working away with your team on some of these issues will ensure that the enterprise takes off with right momentum.

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