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Products : Performance Postings

Performance Postings






CareerMosaicIndia's Performance Postings let you determine the optimum visibility and performance for your jobs BEFORE you post. Some sites charge you to refresh your jobs and move up in a search. On CareerMosaicIndia, you get it right the first time. And amanging the visibility and performance of your own postings means you can pre-empt your competition by making sure job seekers see your jobs first.

How do you determine which visibility level is right for you ? Answer these simple questions:

Geographic Market - How tight is the labor market in your area ?
Job Category - How great is the demand for the skill set that you seek ?
Impact - What is the impact of the open position on your bottom line ?

Our Standard Performance Posting is perfect for most situations. You can fill key positions such as IT/ Computer, Sales/ Marketing, Finance/ Accounting, Customer service and engineering in event the most competitive markets. We understand that every employer has different priorities, so we offer a Performance Posting for every recruitment need. An account representative can help you identify the right Performance Posting for you.

Post jobs.
Manage Performance.
Beat the competition.

Performance Postings on CareerMosaicIndia.com
Get ahead of the competition

How to use performance posting ?
You need to send us the job postings in this format.

10 tips for writing a great jobs posting

As online advertising grows, the difference between a smart investment and a disappointment often turns on the quality of a job posting. The 10 tips below were collected from numerous sources and will help make sure that your Internet recruitment ads are well written and effective.

1. company information - Sell the company by describing its career opportunities, culture, recent achievements, and future prospects.
2. good grammar - Make sure you spell-check your description before posting; the computer will not match a job seeker's key word search for engineer with your posting if you have spelled the word "enginerr."
3. industry terms - Use industry and occupation specific terms, such as Visual Basic, C++, or COBOL, in both position titles and description.
4. job titles - Use functional descriptions with as much specificity as possible, rather than titles from the organization chart; think like job seekers and use a title that they are likely to use in searching for a position.
5. key words - Include a complete list of the required knowledge, skills, and abilities and their synonyms, as appropriate.
6. location - Include both the city and the state in the posting. If the city is small or a suburb, use the nearest large city that job seekers will recognise.
7. advertise in parallel - Drive traffic to your postings and the extensive information they contain by advertising their online location in print publications.
8. response mechanism - Provide multiple ways for the job seekers to respond, including regular mail, fax, email, and an online application form for those (passive) jobseekers.
9. salary level - State the salary or salary range for the position; postings where this information is prominently features up front to get better results.
10. tracking - Include a way of tracking where responses come from so that you know which ads are working best and which aren't working at all.

Presented by Peter Weddle, Publisher, WEDDLE's - The Newsletter for Successful On-line Recruiting


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